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Busy Bees - English Preschool
Busy Bees - English Preschool
Busy Bees - En glish Preschool
Busy Bees, created in 1987, is integrated part of the association La CLEF and welcomes children from nursery to reception. The class sizes vary from 8 to 16 pupils.

We offer both morning and afternoon classes. Our classes run Wednesday and Saturday from 09.15 to 12.15 and from 13.15 to 16.15. Ideally, children should attend two sessions per week to accelerate and broaden their English language skills. Children who attend once a week must have good English support at home to encourage and consolidate their child’s learning.

Wednesday afternoon classes are specifically designed to support English speaking children from 4 to 6 years, to develop and increase their existing language skills, further enhanced by a class on Saturday morning.

There are no facilities for looking after your child during lunch, but there are suitable eating areas in reception and outdoors if you choose to stay on site. 

Busy Bees offers a variety of activities, focused on - communication and language skills; personal, social and emotional development; physical development; literacy and mathematical skills; understanding the world and developing expression in art and design. 

These activities include :
- Modelling (with play dough etc.)
- Construction
- Singing, music and movement
- Imaginative activities in the role-play area
- Painting and drawing
- Physical activities (in a large dance studio)
- Show and tell, conversation and stories
- Drama (puppet shows, role play…)
- Tuff spot table
- Water and sand play
- Educational board games

Busy Bees follows the "Early Years Foundation Stage" (EYFS) curriculum adopting a learning through play approach in conjunction with the multi-sensory synthetic approach of Jolly Phonics. These active and child friendly systems facilitate whole-class teaching, whilst encouraging parents to be involved through the linking of the home/school partnership.

Younger children begin by mark-making and using tactile resources for strengthening their fine motor skills to develop pencil control. Older children are encouraged to follow activities focusing on letter sounds and blending, progressing to reading and writing.

Parents are regularly updated through home/school partnership regarding the class sessions and themes, and current and future events.
This year, we are innovating with a closed, private facebook group for members only. We are creating this group to facilitate teacher to parent correspondence and to keep you updated of your children’s activities. Please note that for safeguarding purposes, we will only be posting information and pictures of your children’s activities or of your children from behind. 

Busy Bees provides a safe, happy and stimulating environment for your children, developing their full potential whilst adjusting to the transition to formal school life. There are excellent international schools in the West of Paris and the vast majority of children from Busy Bees obtain places in these schools. We look forward to hearing from you and would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.

For more information
contact Priya Shandilya (teacher):

Nursery to reception
— Wednesday from 09.15 to 12.15 and from 13.15 to 16.15
— Saturday from 09.15 to 12.15 and from 13.15 to 16.15

Children are not taken care of during lunch time
1 half day per week
(september 11, 2024 to june 21, 2025)
Nursery to reception 1320€
2 half days per week
(september 11, 2024 to june 21, 2025)
Nursery to reception 2439€
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